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What is the CNT Hackathon?

The CNT Hackathon is an annual, extended weekend-long event that takes place in Seattle, WA. In 36 hours, equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a soldering iron, elite teams of local and out-of-state students compete to create novel neural engineering solutions. 



Equipment for Hacking Include

Oculus VR  // OpenBCI Mark IV UltraCortex  // Leap Motion // Myo Gesture Control Armband  // Microsoft HoloLens  // Microsoft Kinect  // uPrint SE 3D Printer // Much more...

CNT Hackathon is now on twitter!

Follow us on twitter to see live updates during the event!

Winners of the 2023 NeuroTEC/Synaptech Hackathon

Congratulations to the winners!


Best Overall

Team Sense Scene












SenseScence utilizes VR scene modification via biofeedback to combat anxiety and stress in users. Using Oculus VR and Muse Headband hardware with Python and Unity 3D software, the SenseScence team created a prototype positive feedback model with encoded biofeedback and VR scene manipulation. The aim of the project is to allow users to grow their own "MindGarden" with focus and relaxation to spawn virtual foliage in their own virtual world to help alleviate symptoms of prolonged stress.



Technological Innovation Award

Team CorAL (Confused Or Actually Learning)














CorAL facilitates the learning process for both students and teachers by identifying when students get confused via brain wave analysis.



Best Presentation Award

Team BLink













 BLink utilizes an OpenBCI EEG headset with Python code to allow people with disabilities to play classic arcade games by blinking their eyes. BLink detects blinks and outputs a keyboard space click.

Thank you to all the participants, volunteers, and judges!










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Variety of Technologies
Competitive Innovation
Friendly Environment
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